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Barcelona Girl Geek Dinner Explained


This will be the first Girl Geek Dinner that has been arranged and organised by the same people as London Girl Geek Dinners. The event will take the same form as the London ones and is open to anyone at TechEd and ITForum 2006 as well as those local to Barcelona. The event is sponsored by Microsoft and is part of an initiative to get the females in technology together and get them communicating and creating their own communities.


The hope with this event is to have a regular event in Barcelona and to let the females in tech communicate. The international language of the evening will be English and the speakers will be speaking in English. (apologies to the none english speaking people... )



Girl Geek Defined


Girl Geek (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Girl_Geek): Someone who is female and has an interest in technology, particularly computing and new media. Not necessarily technically minded.


Mailing Lists


This event is being organised in conjunction to London Girl Geek Dinners who have two mailing lists, a low volume announcements list and a discussion list. We don't currently have one for the Barcelona event but do look out for key information on this event here and at Girly Geekdom (http://girlygeekdom.blogspot.com) which is the organisers girl tech blog site and in the mailing lists.


To subscribe to the announcements list send an e-mail to announce-subscribe@LondonGirlGeekDinners.co.uk (mailto:announce-subscribe@LondonGirlGeekDinners.co.uk)

To subscribe to the discussion list send an e-mail to discuss-subscribe@LondonGirlGeekDinners.co.uk (mailto:discuss-subscribe@LondonGirlGeekDinners.co.uk)


The Rules!


If you are male and wish to attend this event you must bring a female with you or be brought by a female. NO FEMALE, NO ENTRY!!!! Sorry Guys! (We will keep the numbers balanced!) And ladies, one date only please!



The First Barcelona Girl Geek Dinner – TechEd: Developers 2006


DATE : Tuesday 7th November 2006 8:30pm - 10:30pm

WHERE: Tapasbar Paradis, Avenida Diagonal 3, Diagonal Mar Centre

HOW MUCH: Free - Sponsored by Microsoft


Speakers: Mystery Guests

A number of Mystery Guests will be speaking on a range of subjects. It is planned to be a night of fun and girly geekiness!


The First Barcelona Girl Geek Dinner 7th November 2006 Sign Up Page



The Second Barcelona Girl Geek Dinner – TechEd: IT Forum 2006


DATE : Tuesday 14th November 2006 8:30pm - 10:30pm

WHERE: Tapasbar Paradis, Avenida Diagonal 3, Diagonal Mar Centre

HOW MUCH: Free - Sponsored by Microsoft


Speakers: Mystery Guests

There will be a number of Mystery Guest speakers at this event too, and guess what! They aren't the same ones as at the TechEd event either! hope your up for another night of girly geekiness!


The Second Barcelona Girl Geek Dinner 14th November 2006 Sign Up Page

Comments (2)

Anonymous said

at 10:17 pm on Nov 2, 2006


there is a problem with one link (http://girlygeekdom.blogspot.com).
In that link you have ) -mark inside the url.

Br, Marika

Anonymous said

at 1:13 am on Nov 7, 2006

Actually all links were like that, I simply added a space before the ending parenthesis to fix it :)


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